The EV Rider Breeze III GT-D Electric Scooter brought to you by is a mobility scooter that is geared towards the young at heart that need a little bit of help getting around outside. With its powerful engine and large wheels the EV Rider Breeze III is perfect for hilly and rough uneven terrain.
Simply plug the charging cord into the EV Rider Breeze III GT-D Electric Scooter and let it charge for 6-8 hours. When it is done charging you have the ability to keep on the move for 30 miles going at a max speed of 9.4 mph! The shock absorbers and the seat that rotates into 5 different positions make the Breeze III amazingly easy to get into, and provides for one of the smoothest rides offered by an electric scooter. Purchase the EV Rider Breeze III GT-D Electric Scooter from us today and start your outdoor adventures tomorrow!